Progress Report
Global Gene Methylation
Profile of CLL Patients and Its Implication in Therapy
Weigang Tong, Guillermo Garcia-Manero
Department of Leukemia, The
University of Texas
MD Anderson Cancer
Center, Houston, TX 77030
- During the past 6 months, we
have been working on the characterization of 280 genes we have identified
that are aberrantly methylated in CLL patients
compared with normal B cells. Our recent updated data has been presented
at the American Society of Hematology (ASH) annual meeting as an oral
presentation in Atlanta
in December of 2007. The following is the abstract we submitted to ASH. We
have analyzed 22 most important genes out of the list and analyzed their methylation profile in 78 CLL patients. We also
correlated the methylation status of these genes
with patient prognosis and survival. At the moment, we are in the process
of preparing the manuscript for submission to the journal “Cancer
Research”. Hopefully, the manuscript will be submitted by the end of this
- At the mean time, we are also
trying to screen these 22 genes in a large cohort of CLL patients treated
with standard FCR therapy. Dr. Wierda from the Leukemia Department and CLL Research
Consortium will provide us with these patient samples. We are already in
the process of acquiring these samples and analyzing their methylation profile.
- Using the same MCA/microarray
technique, we have also identified around 500 genes that are methylated in ALL patients. We are comparing this list
of genes in ALL with the CLL genes, trying to identify common genes that
are methylated in both ALL and CLL. We have
identified 48 of these common genes and are trying to characterize their methylation and expression status in CLL. Since ALL
and CLL have very different biology and maybe have different cells of
origin. By doing this, we hope to identify genes that are important in the
CLL pathogenesis.
Title: Genome-wide DNA methylation profile of CLL
with 17p del allowed identification of multiple epigenetically inactivated
molecular pathways with prognostic value in human leukemia
Authors: Wei-Gang Tong, William G Wierda, Neby Bekele, Shao-Qing
Kuang, Michael J. Keating and Guillermo Garcia-Manero. Deaprtment of Leukemia
and Biostatistics, UT/MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, United States, 77030
Body: Aberrant DNA methylation of multiple
promoter associated CpG islands is a very prevalent
phenomenon in human leukemias. Data from our
laboratory indicates that methylation profiling
allows the identification of leukemia patients with different risk and
prognosis. Despite the advances in the understanding of the molecular biology
of CLL, few studies of DNA methylation have been
performed in CLL. In the current study, we have developed a new assay combining
MCA (Methylated CpG island
Amplification) with the Agilent promoter CpG array to
identify simultaneously hundreds of abnormally methylated
CpG islands in CLL. To perform this, we compared DNA
from two CLL patients with 17p del (tester) with that of CD19+ B
cells from two age-matched controls (driver). We identified 280 promoter CpG islands differentially methylated
in CLL compared to normal controls. Most of these genes are located on
chromosomes 19 (16%), 16 (11%), 17 (10%) and 11 (9%). We also performed
interaction pathway and functional analysis of these 280 genes using the online
Ingenuity Pathway Analysis tools. The initial analysis divided these genes into
25 functional networks, with the majority of genes fall into top 10 networks.
The major functions of genes in these interaction networks involve cancer,
organ development, cell death, drug metabolism, DNA replication and repair. We
validated 22 of these genes (ADCY5, R-spondin1, LHX1, GALGT2, TFAP2C, ING1,
SOX11, SOX14, SALL1, LTBP2, APP, DXL1, DLX4, KLK10, BCL11B, NR2F2, FAM62T,
HAND2, BNC1, SPOCK, Prima1 and MLL1) in samples from 78 CLL patients and 10
age-matched normal controls. The characteristics of the 78 patients are: median
age 59 (range 39-79), male 70%, Rai stage 0-II/III-IV
(83%/17%), IgVH unmutated
49%, ZAP-70 positive 33%. Our results indicate that most of the genes
identified by the array are frequently hypermethylated
in CLL patients compared with healthy controls. Methylation
frequency ranged from 20%-100% in CLL patients. Expression analysis of four
selected genes (LHX1, GALGT2, TFAP2C and Prima1) in human leukemia cell lines
and CLL patient samples by real-time PCR further confirmed methylation
associated gene silencing, and treatment of these cell lines with hypomethylating agent 5-aza-2
-deoxycitidine with or without the HDAC inhibitor Trichostatin A resulted in gene re-expression and induction
of DNA hypomethylation. We also analyzed the
association of methylation status of these genes with
IgVH mutation status, ZAP70 expression and
patient survival. Unmutated IgVH
was associated with increased methylation levels of
LINE (p<0.0001), which is a marker for global gene methylation
and SALL1 (p=0.00008). Expression of ZAP-70 (>20%) was associated with
increased methylation levels of LINE (p<0.00001),
MLL (p=0.02) and SALL1(p=0.048). Further analysis
showed that methylation status of LINE (p=0.007),
SALL1 (p=0.019), ADCY5 (p=0.021), R-spondin1 (p=0.002) and APP (p=0.002)
correlated with survival. In conclusion, our studies indicate that MCA/promoter
array technique allows the identification of large number of promoter CpG islands aberrantly methylated
in CLL and also the identification of novel tumor suppressors and signaling
pathways that could be important in the tumorigenesis
of CLL and other hematological malignancies.