Our Mission
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia is the most common form of adult Leukemia in the
United States
and the western world. The disease has not, however,
received its fair share of research dollars.
The mission of the CLL Foundation is to raise money for research that will lead
to a better understanding of the disease and to better treatments for those who
have been diagnosed with the disease.
That money primarily comes from individuals who believe that CLL research is
important and deserves increased funding.
The need for individual donations has never been
greater. The current recession has impacted research hospitals, foundations,
and government agencies as well as individuals. The resulting financial
shortfall means that more people must take on the burden of supporting
research. Those who can help fund research will have the satisfaction of being
part of a joint effort against a terrible disease. We cannot rely on the
government or on others to solve the CLL problem. Instead, we must reaffirm our
commitment to the idea that individuals working together can solve common
The projects that our donors have made possible are described in our
“Projects” section. With continued
public support, the Foundation can continue to fund research. We hope for a cure; we work to raise
money for the necessary research; and we look to those with an interest in
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia to help the Foundation with its mission.